Anand people’s Medicare Society is an upcoming trust or society, having hi-tech educational Campus, having three buildings; The name of these three building is declared on 7th Annual function dedicated by namely
(Building A)
(Building B)
(Building C)
(Building D)
The dynamic and committed faculties work under the guidance of the Principals, Campus Director, and positive directions from the President of the APMS. “One of the greatest contribution of globalization has been demand for higher quality” The quality is an absolute prerequisite for survival, leave alone success. They maintained their quality using intellectual with students with helping nature. The faculty gives emphasis on fundamental and applied aspects of the subjects and thus keep the teaching sessions quite interactive
All the classrooms are specious well ventilated and acoustically designed to ensure teaching and learning process quite interesting and interactive. The LCD and OHP projectors normally used for best outcomes of students skills.
All the laboratories are equipped with latest stack of equipment.
Central Library
A well maintained and spacious central library and reading room. The central library is one of the best equipped amongst all colleges with a collection of about thousands of books covering all branches of Science, Management, Commerce law, Social Work, Home-Science, Arts, Education and other general topics. Besides, the society subscribes to 50 journals to enable the students to keep abreast of latest development in their areas of specialization. The library is kept open on all academic days of the year.